Rose opened the refrigerator and said, ‘The refrigerator is empty. We’ll have to do some shopping.
Sara made an ugly face, shopping was not one of her hobbies.
Coming up with menus for an entire week was always a challenge.
Rose grabbed her laptop and opened her favorite website to look through all the menus for the upcoming week.
Sara sat next to her with her cell phone for the shopping list.
After a while they had selected menus for the entire week and completed the shopping list.
Shopping for an entire week meant buying products in large quantities.
The freezer was their greatest friend where they could store for example meat, cold cuts and bread for a long time.
What Rose and Sara looked at when shopping was the expiration date on each package, how fresh the products were. The offers and the price of the products.
The result was that they went to different stores and worked out their budget.
Rose and Sara returned from shopping at the same time and unpacked their panniers.
Sara grabbed her list and said, “I still forgot something.”
Rose laughed, “It’s okay, tomorrow is another day.”
“Let’s make dinner first.”

shopping cart
Shopping Cart
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